Kategorisiert als: Volunteering

Heyyy garden lovers,

Here is Lucie, I will write in English since my German is not so good yet (I am French). You can translate it easily using DeepL https://www.deepl.com/en/translator 🙂


We are preparing for the spring: sprouting seeds, pricking, planting, preparing the beds

Here is a little overview of our week: We planted peas, pricked chilis and paprika in bigger pots, seeded swiss-chard (Mangold), broccoli and leak. We also picked up wild garlic (BĂ€rlauch) from the forest and planted it under the trees in our forest-garden. We weeded the dome and planted 150 Cabbage-turnips (Kohlrabi) and learn how to produce EM (effective micro-organism).

Planting 400 freshly sprouted peas
Picking Chillis & Paprikas. We have 4 different types of chilliiii yuuum :). They are now living in the warmth of Wolfgang’s Flat until until the weather gets a bit warmer
Planting swiss chards (Mangold) and broccoli in trays to let them sprout before we plant them in the soil

Kohrabi action!

1) Weeding the dome

2 ) Preparing the soil by loosening it and adding compost and rock dust

3) planting the baby Kohlrabis 

4) Place plastic protection around them to prevent the snails to eat the leaves 

5) Watering 

The dome is not a jungle anymore yuhuuu, it is all weeded now 🙂
Happy Lucie after the weeding action 🙂
Lisa showing us how to plant kohlrabi
There is now 130 Kohrabi planted in the Dome (and 20 more in the small green house) and here & there a few asian salads, Ruccola, parsley and Barbara Kresse. It's important to not forget the protection for the snails otherwise they will heartlessly eat all those cute babi Kohlrabi

And to finish here are some beautiful salads like we eat every lunch, all directly picked-up in our garden, yuuuuummmy 🙂


Beautiful spring salad from the garden, mix of Chicory, asian salad, corn salad, portulak, Barbara Kresse and wild plants such as BÀrlauch, Vögelmiere, daisy and Primeln
Corn salad (NĂŒssli salat (CH), Feldsalat(DE)) directly from the garden
And some brussel sprouts directly from the garden
En guete mitenand as they say in Switzerland 😉